On the eve of the International Migration Review Forum 2022 #IMRF22, the Civil Society Action Committee has organised an Open Civil Society Preparatory Day that aims to share and consolidate the key civil society joint inputs and points of engagement for the May 16th Multi-Stakeholder Hearing and the rest of the IMRF (17-20 May).
ADEPT took part in the Open Civil Society Preparatory Day to represent the African diaspora in Europe and speak about the state of migration in Africa after the Global Compact for Migration.
In her speech, Mirana Rajoharison, ADEPT’s executive director explained how things have not changed even 4 years after the signature of the Global Compact for Migration #GCM. Hence, there are still great barriers that the diaspora and migrants face such as non-recognition and discrimination. To add to it, the Africa-EU partnership Pact signed in February tends to reduce the mobility of Africans in their own continent.